Saturday, July 5, 2014

Dorito Fueled Campfire

Our first stop on our two week pre-retirement adventure was Valley of the Rogue State Park, just north of Medford, OR. We started early in the day so that we could get through Portland before Portland woke up. Mission accomplished, more or less. We hit Portland at 10:00 a.m. All was pretty quiet except for one small glitch. Not sure what the hiccup was but 4 lanes of traffic narrowed down to 2 right at a critical juncture. Big city traffic can be such a pain, even on a Saturday.  Oh well.  

One of our goals for this trip was to have me drive Tiny while pulling Lucille. Dave has been bugging me for some time to get behind the wheel while Tiny is attached to something big and bulky. I managed to escape the request when we had the coney mobile (wasn't too fond of being pushed down the road by a 10,000 lb rolling commercial kitchen). So just south of Eugene, Dave pulled into a rest stop and I hopped into the driver's seat and drove for awhile. It wasn't too bad. Although I did white knuckle it for about 75 miles. Long story short, I can drive the blasted truck and trailer should the need arise. I'm happy to be the passenger and play navigator, given a choice.

So what does this have to do with Doritos? Once in camp, Dave decided to try out something he watched on YouTube about 41 great camping tips (or something similar). Doritos make a great fire starter according to the video.

Armed with a lunch sized bag of Doritos, Dave set out to see if this was so. It is!! You learn something new everyday, even useless funny stuff.

Can't say that I will carry Doritos as back up fire starter, but it is nice to know that junk food can come in handy and be of actual use.  Things that make you go "hmm."

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