Sunday, June 22, 2014

Trial Run - Cowlitz Falls Park

Memorial Day Weekend, 2014 - Cowlitz Falls Park

We headed for a wonderful campground just outside of Randle, WA.  The setting couldn't be better.  It is nestled in the Cowlitz valley between Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens.  You won't find this campground on any state or federal park listing as it is run by the Cowlitz County PUD. You also cannot reserve a spot via the internet.  You must either call or mail in the request.  Long story short, this is what greets you as you drive up.
Summer view of entry (summer 2013)

Goal: set up Lucille for a shake down.  This was the opportunity to set up the new awning, use the little kitchen and in general, just see what we should have included in the trailer.  And due to the weather, to find out what works and what doesn't. 

Item missed: firm footings for the trailer jacks.  To remedy the situation, we ran to the local hardware store and bought 10" square patio bricks. The bricks are now on the camping checklist and stay in the back of Tiny as standard equipment. 

Tree covered camp spot
Discovery: A better system for holding up the awning is essential.  The awning is 14' wide.  We thought 3 poles would hold it up nicely.  Not.  In a rain and wind storm an independent 3 pole system is anything but sturdy, as we found out Sunday night.  A pole failure (more like a failure of the tethers securing the pole to the ground..the ground was saturated) caused part of the awning to come crashing down, partially blocking the door.  Not good should an emergency exit be necessary. The remedy is of Dave's creation.  He put together an interconnected 1/2 pipe pole system that provides support between the poles to hold up the awning.  I am 99.9% certain that it will take a typhoon to make this pole system fail.  The test run is coming up.
The view

Camp spot with a view: Our camp spot was set back in the trees.  The appeal for this particular spot is that it opens up into a wonderful grassy area providing a view worthy of setting up the camp chairs.  We also get to see the campground kids having a great time on the playground equipment. If so inclined, this would be a great spot for badminton.
Other signs made by Sarah
Once camp was set up, we were free to roam about the area.  So off we went to Packwood for the Memorial Day Weekend flea market.  This "little" event over takes this little town twice a year and provides a great opportunity for people watching, meandering around a ton of junk and treasures, as well as the discovery of interesting local businesses and artists.  We found this little jewel in the booth for Sarah's Signs.  She makes them herself.  Her home business is located just outside of Vancouver, WA.
The sign we bought....says it all

Exploring is also the other reason to go to this area.  Unfortunately, we were not able to access Windy Ridge on the East side of Mt. St. Helen's due to snow closure.  However, we were able to enjoy Iron Creek Falls in its full glory.  This little jewel is located along the road to Windy Ridge and is just a short walk from a roadside pullout. 
Iron Creek Falls
We look forward to another visit before we leave Western Washington for good.

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