Friday, July 11, 2014

Hiking at Trinity Lake

To say that we need to get our hiking legs under us is an understatement.  However, not ones to be discouraged, we managed to get in two hikes in the heat.

What I learned about the hike ratings in this area:  Believe the ratings.  If it is moderate, it will be a bit difficult. Easy is much better for two old duffers to start out with; especially, the one that has been a desk jockey for way too long!

Swift Creek
This is rated as a moderate hike.  What that means is that for a first real hike of the year, this probably was not the hike to try in 90+ degree weather, even if we did start it a little earlier in the day. 

The hike is really pretty as it meanders along the Swift Creek Canyon, in the beginning.  Once across the creek  it starts climbing through a series of switch backs. Just about at the bridge, before the switch backs, we realize we had tried this one 2 years ago, unfortunately with the same results. We made it through 6-7 of the switch backs and decided that it wasn't worth the possible heat stroke.  Back we headed to the trail head.

Just as we cross back over the bridge, a person popped out from under the bridge.  Josh works for the forest service and was out on the trail checking the conditions.  Amiable fellow.  He was sitting under the bridge as his NOAA radio was saying a storm was headed in. It never materialized, but he was ready to take shelter.  Regardless of why he was under the bridge, we both chuckled as we headed back to the trail head.  A Troll under the bridge had just crossed our path. 

Question: Why is the last 1/2 mile before reaching the trail head up hill?  Answer: It is the last insult before calling it a day. 

On our way back to camp we stopped in at an "RV park and campground" for a $5 (apiece) shower. The hot shower was heavenly.  The RV park had seen better days but a shower is a shower!

Once in camp, we uncapped one of the specialty beers given to me by my team and toasted the day.  A fair day hiking in 90+ degree heat and sun is better than a day at the computer any way you slice it!

Stoddard Lake
This hike was rated easy.  Just up our alley for the second day of hiking.  And we could dip our feet in a lake before heading back!

First we have to get to the trail head.  The description of the road was a bit daunting - 6.5 miles of dirt and gravel, with the last 1/2 mile steep and not recommended for horse trailers.  Who in the world brings a horse trailer up these roads anyway?  In my personal opinion, the road was suitable for a quad and nothing more.  Here we are in a 1 ton dualie on a road best suited for a quad and there is the possibility of running into someone pulling a horse trailer?  Why yes there is! I digress and here to inform anyone taking this hike that the last 1/2 mile wasn't suitable for anything but walking, which I did while Dave drove up it in 4-wheel drive and still had some problems.
The trail started out up hill, which didn't bode well for our first impressions of "easy."  However, once we got 3/4 mile up the trail, it meandered up and down slight grades and in/out of shade.  The shade was most welcome.  Along the way we saw meadows that would be the perfect setting for a cabin in the woods.  The wildflowers have mostly passed, but some hung on to that last bit of color.

At 3 miles we headed up the trail to the lake (yes another lengthy up hill trek). The reward was a beautiful lake surrounded by Billy's Peak. Beautiful setting to say the least.  And there was shade for dipping our feet and eating our lunch.

Once rested, back to the truck we headed.  We were greeted by two US Forest Service employees on horse  back with 3 mule.  They were clearing dead fall from the trails, which meant we didn't have to climbed over the trees that we had previously encountered.  What a relief!  I tried going under one such tree and got stuck (Thank goodness Dave didn't have the camera at the ready!)

As we meandered, we heard a low rumble.  Turning around, we saw the dark clouds rolling in.  What was a leisurely stroll back to the truck turned into a much more aggressive march.  We had to beat the clouds and rain and get back to the main road.  We made it!

Down the road we went to another $5 shower and then back to camp. Another specialty  beer to toast a successful hike.  I would do this hike again if only the road was a bit less nerve wracking.


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