Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Around Crater Lake there are two rivers - The Umpqua and the Rogue.  Both provide unparalleled beauty, but only the Umpqua touts "The Thundering Waters."  There is an entire brochure dedicated to getting the curious to 28 different falls.  We managed 4.  The intent was to go from the "lesser" water fall to the "best" water fall, thinking that we would not be disappointed once we came to the one considered ho hum.  Each has their own beauty that offers no competition to the other.

The brochure describes the different types of water falls, which is interesting.  The things you learn!

Clearwater Falls
This fall was not easy to capture in one picture as it is quite spread out over the mossy rocks and fallen logs.  It is beautiful.  Believe it or not, this is considered the less beautiful of the falls. It was incredibly easy to walk to as it was about 400 feet from the parking lot!

Whitehorse Falls
So easy to get to!  20 feet from the parking lot, there was a platform for easy access to the view.  However, we choose to walk down a trail to the water pool so that we could get a better look at the water as it spilled into the pool.

Watson Falls
The trail was a bit difficult but well worth the climb.  This 272 ft fall was a "wow" and the water wasn't even at full force! It is impossible to capture the beauty.  We tried!

Toketee Falls
This is the most famous of the falls in this area. From pictures that we have seen, we expected the trail to end a bit closer to the bottom of the falls.  Not so, much to our disappointment.  The trail is actually quite nice with wooden stairs and fencing built in areas that would otherwise be impassable. The trail ends at a platform at least 200 feet in the air, above the falls. It is still a pretty view, but would be much more fun to photograph if we could have gotten closer to the mid-point or the bottom

We have to go back and visit the rest of  the falls.  They all cannot be seen in one day or even two.  If you have the opportunity to visit the Roseburg OR area, take the time to go up HWY 138 and visit a few falls!

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