Saturday, May 30, 2015

Trying a Motor Home for Kicks

I should never under estimate the power of suggestion. After mentioning, in passing, that I wonder what it would be like to camp in a motor home, Dave set out to see what was out there via Craig's List. Criteria - it had to be in decent enough shape to make a 4,000 mile trip. That was easier said than done.  

After looking at a number of RVs, Dave found one that I have to admit is in decent shape. It is big, or at least big from my perspective - 30.5 ft long and 11 ft 8 in tall (well at least to the top of the RV). So now to get used to riding in a bread box on wheels. In honor of that description, we have named her Freddie. I guess that the Wonder Bread mascot was Fresh Freddie (only Dave knows this kind of trivia). 

I have to admit that some of the creature comforts may be nice as we travel to my family reunion in Arkansas.  For starters, a queen size bed and a bathroom that one can at least turn around in without hitting the walls (well, almost.....the shower is nice). 


A microwave! Complete with a very small kitchen. And a sofa to sit on. There are even seat belts so I can sit on the sofa while the RV is moving. (Not sure about that one.)

And a very unique dog house for Bella, under the table. 

So now we just have to get comfortable driving the blasted thing. I am taking an RV driving class next week. Let's see how this goes!

Oh, I do need to mention that we may sell Lucille and Tiny if this works out. We will know more about that decision by the end of the trip!

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