Friday, March 20, 2015

Earning their keep....

Where would we be without Alice and Tiny; especially Alice!

Tiny is a workhorse. Thank goodness for its pulling power as we have had to pull up trees and stumps. Sometimes you just need brute force to get the job done. 

However, Alice has been no slouch! She has been very instrumental in getting the property cleared of the overgrowth and railroad ties. 

What have we been clearing? First and foremost, the spot for the shop. Railroad ties, clothes line, rocks, cactus all had to be removed. And as best as Alice could, the ground leveled. 



Second, comes the cleansing of the Prickly Pear overgrowth. We certainly won't clear the property of all Prickly Pear, but it must be beat back to a manageable parameter....away from the house and cars. Prickly Pear cactus becomes home to the pack rat. The pack rat is a cute but destructive little rodent, gnawing on anything, including vehicle wiring harnesses! The Prickly Pear also has nasty spines. It's not the long ones that hurt. There are small, almost invisible clusters that work their way through clothes and gloves to your skin to your skin.

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