Sunday, December 28, 2014

Meet Alice

Getting older hopefully means that you get smarter. We immensely enjoy the "do-it-yourself" approach and also know that the right equipment makes the job oh so much easier. When it comes to the property, Dave decided that the one piece of equipment that would make our projects easier is a tractor with attachments. It will also save our backs when it comes time to dig out and shape the water channels. 

At first, he was looking at larger John Deere type tractors. I wasn't sure about it as they were big and would require the purchase of the attachments. Then he found Alice on Craig's List. It was a go!

Meet Alice. Alice is a 1968 B-110 Allis-Chalmers garden tractor. It is perfect! It comes with several attachments including a front plow, grader, disc, little wagon, and lawn mower deck (which we don't need, but came as part of the package).


Alice has already proven her worth with small stump pulling. Dave can then grade over the gaping holes so that cars and small children don't fall in!

You will see more of Alice as the renovations progress. 

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