Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Birthday to.....

ME! Made it to age 62 upright, in good health, and retired. Trifecta!

Aside from jumping up and signing up for Social Security benefits (not now, thank you...), Dave wanted to know how I wanted to spend my day. Ta Da....another day in Bandon OR so that we could take in the wonderful beach and rocks. This would also be our first time on this trip to stay more than one night in one place. It feels good to not have to rush off in the next morning to a new room and location.

Penny walking the beach

Three hours walking on the beach, admiring the ocean activity, and taking pictures...that was my birthday treat. What's not to like! It was low tide, so we had lots of beach to roam and could easily walk around the multitude of rock formations that were "beached" until the tide rolled in.


The general rock formations in the water are known as haystacks. The general lore for this area (Indian and local) has identified the haystacks as Face Rocks. If you look closely, the Indian Maiden's can be seen. 


Then there is the not so obvious dog rock (looked like a wizard's hat to us). The dog's tail is in the air. Way in the lower corner is Dave standing next to the Dog's tail just to show how enormous these rocks are. 

I must admit, I will miss being close to the ocean. There is something about the thunder of the waves that puts the world back into perspective.   

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