Saturday, August 30, 2014

Really...No Bakery?

Dave is a bread fiend.  One of the items we needed to satisfy this bread yen was some fresh rolls.  Today's quest - find a bakery and get some rolls. 

Don't ask us why, but we thought every town had a small bakery in it.  So we headed from our cozy campground to Baker City, OR to find said bakery.  Well, we discovered that there is no said bakery in Baker City, OR.  (Safeway and Albertsons don't count.)  So we pulled out our phones and did a search for a bakery in the area.  According to the search, Kneads was open and located in La Grande, a mere 40 miles away.  What the heck, other than visiting Anthony Lakr, we had nothing else planned so off we went, via a back road. 

About 5 miles down the road, we came to Haines, a very (as in VERY) small community.  As we are driving through Haines, we notice this hand painted sign.  Dave missed it, so I had him turn around and follow the arrow and the next one three blocks down the road that pointed right.

Lo and behold, a bakery!   And it was open.  Bill the cat came to welcome us, taking a small break from catching moths in the garden. 

While the building didn't look like much, Brianna had some bread and other baked goods that were quite enticing....what was left.  Evidently, Friday is bread day and she only had a few loaves left.  While they were not rolls, it was fresh whole wheat bread. We also indulged in a chocolate fudge sandwhich cookie that was to die for (sorry, we ate it before thinking about taking it a picture).

We had scrumptious bread "steaks", as Dave calls thick sliced bread, for dinner.

Never under estimate the delights at the end of the hand painted sign! If ever in Haines on Friday, stop and get your fresh baked goods.  You won't be sorry. 

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